Monday, February 27, 2012

Fun Filled Time

This has been such an amazing weekend! And it's just getting started!!

Friday night a wonderful, beautiful friend came to see me. We had a great girls date complete with eating, drinking and telling stories about our boys :) We get to see each so infrequently, but it's always just like a moment hasn't passed.

Then came Saturday. Austin and I went on a fantastic date; which we hadn't done in such a long time. For years now he's tried to get us to go ice skating. So when the Groupon came up a couple of months ago, I didn't have a choice but to buy it and make time. We truly enjoyed our time together and neither of us fell!

Now we are sitting in Tulsa waiting for the highlight of it all! Before too long Austin's baby sister is gonna pop out our first nephew! We could not be more excited to meet this little guy :D Our family's been through some rough times lately and we're excited to have this little joy join in our lives.

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